Services PICS Nursery School How to Prepare Your Child for Nursery School

How to Prepare Your Child for Nursery School

To ensure your child is fully ready for nursery school especially in Nursery Qusais, ensure that from the initial stage you set your child to a daily timetable close to that of school. Take both of them to the nursery so that they can get used with the surrounding. Speak positively about school, arrange play dates, and teach compliance with simple directions and learning how to share.

Establish a Routine

Begin with the appropriate organisation of useful daily routines which would look like nap, and play time in a nursery. It helps your child to familiarize with normal school schedules and also helps get rid of any fear that the new school may instill in your child.

Visit the Nursery

One is advised to visit the Nursery with the child at least one day in advance before joining so that the two of you can get acquainted with the environment. By exposing them to such places as the classroom, playground and the staff they are not over powered by the environment.

Discuss the Experience

Tell your child what you expect him or her to do when he or she joins nursery school. Promote a positive attitude and discuss mostly the positive aspects of the peer group communications and work.

Encourage Social Skills:

Ensure your child play with other children in the neighborhood by planning for play dates to teach him on issues to do with sharing, taking turns and even cooperation. The above types of interactions shall go along way in providing the much needed transition from the small group.

Practice Independence

Encourage your child to gain employment so as to let them practice easy exercises on their own, for example dressing themselves or packing their school bag. It brings confidence and independence in patients concerning their illness or condition they are suffering from.

Prepare a Comfort Item:

This may be doing this by allowing your child take some toys or other object of familiarity to the nursery school as this may help ease him or her since it is new.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Make sure your child know it is alright to be a little afraid or could be a little happy about going to nursery school. They are also able to minimize on the outbursts that come along as a result of setting the right expectations.

Bottom Line

If you put all these strategies into practice your child will have a smooth transition they will make to Nursery Qusais. This way, they shall be emotionally and practically prepared, as well as provision of the basic requirements for their educational needs will be effective.

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